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links for 2009-04-29

Filed under: delicious

links for 2009-04-28

Filed under: delicious

links for 2009-04-27

Filed under: delicious

links for 2009-04-26

Filed under: delicious

links for 2009-04-25

Filed under: delicious

links for 2009-04-24

Filed under: delicious

links for 2009-04-23

  • It seems unthinkable today — but more than two decades ago, when personal computers were still new and everybody listened to music on a Walkman, Steve Jobs was cast out of Apple. The year was 1985. IBM and Microsoft dominated the world of computing. The revolutionary Macintosh, launched with such fanfare just a year earlier, appeared to be foundering. And Jobs, the guiding force at Apple from the beginning, seemed not just expendable but a threat to the company he’d built. In West of Eden — a national best-seller when it was first published in 1989, now updated in a new edition available on Amazon — Wired contributing editor Frank Rose tells how it went down.
  • Paid bloggers fit just about every definition of a microtrend: Their ranks have grown dramatically over the years, blogging is an important social and cultural movement that people care passionately about, and the number of people doing it for at least some income is approaching 1% of American adults.
  • What can one green entrepreneur do? Business author Paul Hawkins attributes one entrepreneur, David Gottfried, with the founding and building of "the most important green trade organization in the world…where thousands of people and companies are playing inside it, creating the best standards in the world," producing global levels of energy and material savings, toxins elimination, greenhouse gas emission reductions and human health benefits.

    Gottfried is the entrepreneur dynamo who founded the U.S. Green Building Council and its LEED program (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), which has emerged as the standard for an industry seeking to satisfy growing consumer demand for green buildings.

  • t was an easy prediction to make: that the recession would end talk of corporate social responsibility. Faced with the fear, or reality, of losing their jobs or homes, consumers would rush past the Fairtrade shelves and pick up something the family could afford. Companies, meanwhile, would concentrate on saving themselves rather than the planet.

    That easy prediction has turned out to be wrong. Mars, the world’s biggest confectionery company, has announced that its entire cocoa supply will be “produced in a sustainable manner” by 2020. Mars will work largely with the Rainforest Alliance, which encourages farmers to preserve their environment.

Filed under: delicious

links for 2009-04-22

Filed under: delicious

links for 2009-04-20

Filed under: delicious

links for 2009-04-19

  • While designing a blog theme isn’t entirely different from designing any other type of website, there are some unique challenges that blog theme designers face.

    There are plenty of sources available for designers who are seeking inspiration from high quality blog design, but it’s also important to understand specifically what will influence and determine the success of a blog theme design. In this article we’ll examine 13 characteristics that separate great blog themes from the rest.

  • Would you like your local and state governments to offer iPhone apps? We can see some reasons for it and some reasons why it might not be such a good idea.
  • Aided by a $6 million grant from the National Science Foundation, CRED has the primary objective of studying how perceptions of risk and uncertainty shape our responses to climate change and other weather phenomena like hurricanes and droughts. The goal, in other words, isn’t so much to explore theories about how people relate to nature, which has been a longtime pursuit of some environmental psychologists and even academics like the Harvard biologist E. O. Wilson. Rather, it is to finance laboratory and field experiments in North America, South America, Europe and Africa and then place the findings within an environmental context.

Filed under: delicious

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April 2009

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