riverrun research | beta

from swerve of shore to bend of bay

links for 2010-07-05

  • "I want to be able to credit the artist or photographer when I use it. I want to thank them with a link to their work.

    If you were to look through my collection of images that I’ve gathered from the Flickr Creative Commons then you would realize how difficult it is to keep convenient records of where each image came from. I have a folder with hundreds of images.

    In fact, I often stop by the Flickr Creative Commons and save 10 or 15 images at a time just so that I can use them later. When I do this, it is incredibly difficult to remember exactly where in the gallery I found it when I go to use it 3 or 6 months later.

    I’ve created a solution to this problem.

  • IA Community – INFX 598, Summer 2010
    I’ll post my thoughts and experience with this class later, but I wanted to share a link to the presentation I gave yesterday on the IA community which featured the concept of a PLN, as well as lots of links to books, blogs, events, and people.

    Note that this was the summer, week-long intensive IA course taught by Samantha Starmer at the University of Washington Information School.

  • Study Navigation As You Would a Form of Government

    Have you ever noticed that conversations about site navigation can sound an awful lot like conversations about governmental structures? Sometimes, one area of a site is vastly more influential than all other areas, you know, like a monarchy or a dictatorship. Sometimes a number of areas of a site dominate other lesser areas, kind of like an oligarchy. And then of course there’s anarchy where all areas of the site seem to be struggling for control at the same time.

    I’ve found this way of analyzing navigation to be particularly useful in aligning a site’s information design with its business goals. (If a site really needs to be about one thing, for example, then designing it as a democracy where every area is represented equally isn’t going to work.)

  • For the past few months, the webteam has been working on the redesign of our website. There will be a lot of improvements to how the website will work from a design and usability point of view. You will be able to find what you are looking for much quicker and identify transactions more easily. Expect the new website to go live in August.

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